Legislative Update #4
It was another full week of hearings at the Nebraska Legislature, and that’s really about all that happened this week. They did some debate on some fairly innocuous issues in the mornings this week, but the only thing of real substance was a small battle on whether Uber and Lyft drivers should be employees or independent contractors in statute. That battle isn’t over, but there appears to be enough votes to make it so moving forward.
One of the days this week was cut WAY short as the entire computer systems of the state went down for an hour or two right before they convened. The Unicameral is capable of handling things on paper and by raising hands to vote, but with not much on the agenda yet, Speaker Arch decided that we’d just call it a ‘snow day’. And adjourned after about 20 minutes.
Many committee hearings this week again took them well into the evenings. The Judiciary Committee, for example, has had 3 nights so far that went beyond 9pm (they start at 1:30). Luckily, I haven’t had to stay in the building that late yet, but I’m steadily running on the 14-hour work day multiple times a week. Such is the life!
Next week will bring our first set of recess days since hearings began, giving us Friday and Monday to catch our breath. I only have 8 appointments and meetings set for those days thus far lol!
I’m one of the few lucky people in the world that happen to like both the Chiefs and the Eagles, so whatever happens on Sunday, I’ll be in the happy seat! However, my young favorite person, Natalie, says that if I show up to her house on Sunday wearing anything but gold and red, I won’t be admitted inside.
Have a great weekend!