Legislative Update #3
I cannot believe that we just finished the 17th Day of this 90-day session, and it will be February tomorrow. As per usual, things are just flying into, around, and through me and the office of Jensen Rogert Associates, that by the time each day ends, I’m thinking things that happened that morning were days ago. With 2 full weeks of hearings behind us, there are probably still 600 bills yet to find their way to a public forum, and so we have a long way to go yet. For sure, the slog between the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday and the long President’s Day weekend is merciless, and we’re only halfway through it.
Floor debate on General File bills began this week with a pretty meaningless bunch of ‘fix-it’ bills. Things are slowing coming out of committee, and we have no priority bill selections yet, so they will continue to debate bills in ‘worksheet order’. That’s a technical term describing the legislative worksheet that is updated everyday and contains all of the introduced bills and their current status. It can be found on the website page for the coming calendar day.
The firm had quite a few monitored bills up for hearing this week. If you have any questions on how the hearings went, there’s a link to the hearing notes taken by our 4 interns in this email. Next week, I’ll introduce them to you in my next update.
Ok I need a nap soon, so see ya next week!